Litigation Support
对涉及或可能涉及诉讼的公司或个人进行尽职调查. Conducted at the direction of counsel. Information could include the subject’s involvement in criminal and civil litigation; location and contact information; occupation, education, professional licenses and training; social media accounts and activity; connections to other parties; assets and liabilities; court filings; and related companies, investments and entities.
识别和定位涉及或可能涉及诉讼的个人——即使是那些很难找到或不想被找到的人. Then, as needed, 进行实地采访并准备采访报告,以支持尽早确定相关证人和潜在证词,并为发现和审判准备阶段提供信息.
捕捉、分析和监控社交媒体活动,作为背景或证据. Identify relevant social media accounts. 对这些社交媒体资料进行持续监控, 在法医建立的流程中捕获相关职位,并提供见解, and timely notification of, subjects’ behavior, activities, 生活方式和联系(以及变化). 还可以包括物理监控定位, identify and track relevant individuals, locations and facilities.
Asset Search + Recovery
在线搜索和现场监视,以发现隐藏或未公开的资产, accounts, 商业关系和投资以及贷款违约, debtor assessments, bankruptcies and insolvencies. Business intelligence, 了解洗钱技巧, 计算机取证也被用来发现实物和无形财产, 识别离岸结构和资产, 理清分层的公司持股.